News and past events
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GM Connected Health Ecosystem: GM Secure Data Environment
GM Connected Health Ecosystem: GM Secure Data Environment The next Greater Manchester Connected Health Ecosystem event will be held virtually on Wednesday 30th November, 09.30 – 11.00.This online event will focus on development of the Greater Manchester Secure Data...
What factors have impacted on older people’s (75+) access/experience of public services during COVID-19?
What factors have impacted on older people’s (75+) access/experience of public services during COVID-19?Research team: Alex Hall, Alison Littlewood, Annemarie Money, Charlotte Eost-Telling, Chris Todd, Danielle Harris, Jane McDermottChief investigators:...
The REmote MOnitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) research programme
The REmote MOnitoring of Rheumatoid Arthritis (REMORA) research programme Research team: Professor Caroline Sanders, Dr Yumna Masood Chief investigators: Professor William Dixon, Dr Sabine van der Veer, The University of Manchester Funder: National...
Digital Futures / Manchester Ecosystem: Urban Health & Post-COVID Recovery
Date: Firday 10th June 2022 Time: 10.00 - 13.00 Location: Citylabs 1.0, Nelson Street, Manchester, M13 9NQ This GM Connected Health Ecosystem is being held in collaboration with the Digital Futures Health & Care and Cities and Environments themes. We will be...
OPTimising engagement in routine collection of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes (OPT-ePRO)
OPTimising engagement in routine collection of Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes (OPT-ePRO) Research team: Miss Helen Chadwick; Dr Sarah Knowles; Dr Fergus Caskey; Dr Angelo Ercia; Prof Ken Farrington; Dr Michael Rees Chief investigator: Dr Sabine van...
Manchester Engineering Biology Seminar with Professor Wei Huang
Speaker: Professor Wei Huang (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford) Title: SimCells - Artificial Cellular Machine Monday 23rd May, 3 pm Lecture Theatre, John Garside Building, 131 Princess Street, Manchester. M1 7DN Abstract: SimCells (Simple Cells)...
AMM 2D Materials for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Workshop
When: 20 May, 14:00-16:00 This workshop is an internal, research-oriented workshop with the aim of defining key topics for large grant applications. The workshop is open to academics, researchers and clinicians from all disciplines interested in how 2D materials used...
ICN2 NANOSEMINAR IN MEDICINE & HEALTH: The Robotics Part of Micro and Nano Robotics
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bradley Nelson, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Abstract: Micro and nano robotics has made incredible strides since becoming a research topic just over two decades ago. Much of the progress has been in material selection and fabrication, and paths forward...
The Manchester Digital Pain Manikin
The Manchester Digital Pain Manikin Research team: Alessandro Chiarotto, Darcy Murphy, David Wong, John McBeth, Syed Mustafa Ali, William Dixon Chief investigator: Sabine van der Veer, University of Manchester Funder: Versus Arthritis & Medical...
MaRMN & CMBRM Division Seminar
We are delighted to have Prof Alvaro Mata from The University of Nottingham join us via Zoom to present ‘Complex Tissue Engineering by Harnessing Biological Organization Principles’ next Friday, 22nd April at 13:00 via Zoom ID: https://zoom.us/j/91660317157...
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